Create a more advanced cluster agent package 创建更先进的集群代理软件包。
When running the cluster agent , the execution should be 当运行集群代理时,执行速度应该
To answer this question , we prefer the cluster agent for these reasons 对这个问题的回答是,我们出于以下原因而更希望使用集群代理:
We chose the cluster agent approach as a solution because of these advantages 我们选择集群代理方法作为解决方案,因为它具有以下优势:
Let s step back a moment and ask this question : " why do we need to implant a cluster agent 让我们退而考虑这个问题: “为什么我们需要植入一个集群代理?
The user can instruct the cluster agent to run in low priority or run whenever the screen saver is activated 用户可以让集群代理以低优先级运行,或者在启动屏幕保护程序时运行。
We just need to install the binaries of the cluster agent like a normal windows program and run them unattended 我们只需要像安装普通windows程序一样安装集群代理的二进制程序,并让它们自动运行。
With the cluster agent approach , you just need to spare some space inside the fat32 or ntfs filesystem to host linux agent binaries 使用集群代理的方法,您只需要在fat32或者ntfs文件系统中留出一些空间来存放linux代理二进制程序。
In this article , learn how cluster agents fulfill the latter approach , and see how colinux and openmosix can combine to offer a high - performance cluster middleware in a heterogeneous environment 在本文中,将学习如何通过集群代理实现最后一种方法,并了解如何将colinux和openmosix结合起来为异构环境提供高性能集群中间件。